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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 280

Chapter 280 Jealousy

Seeing Cordelia's reaction, Elijah patted her hand and comforted her, "Don't worry, she won't make any trouble."

Cordelia smiled softly at him.

At this time, Cordelia's cell phone rang.

"It's Milo's assistant," Cordelia told Elijah and went to a quiet place to answer the phone.

Not long after, Cordelia came back. "I can't join you for dinner. It's an emergency."

Elijah immediately said, "Do you need a ride?"

"No, this patient is quite special and requires high confidentiality," Cordelia said as she picked up the bag.

After all, Grant City was full of surprises. One would never know who he was dealing with.

"I'll wait for you at the hotel, then." Elijah looked at her deeply.

"Okay!" With that said, Cordelia held Elijah's face and kissed him.

Being so active, she was clearly compensating him.

Elijah said lightly, "No need to rush. The night is still long."

Cordelia blushed and wanted to pinch Elijah's waist. Considering that they were in a public place, she held back.

As a result, Cordelia left for four hours.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Elijah couldn't help but call Cordelia, but it was Eason who answered.

"Why are you on the phone?" Elijah's face darkened instantly.

Eason said indifferently, "She is treating the patient."

If Cordelia said this, he would believe it. But Elijah didn't believe a word from Eason's mouth.

"What treatment is still being done so late? Why is Eason there?" At this moment, Elijah felt an unprecedented tension.

He had nothing to say to Eason, so he quickly hung up the phone.

Later, Elijah stood at the hotel entrance like a rock.

At one o'clock in the morning, Elijah saw Eason's car approaching slowly.


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