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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 282

Chapter 282 Get Lost!

When Cordelia saw the message, she blocked the number immediately.

She never had Laura's number, and her text was obviously provocative.

She didn't reply either. There was no need to waste time on unnecessary quarrels.

As for Elijah, she believed Elijah would not give in.

He wouldn't even marry Daisy, who grew up with him. It was even more impossible for him to succumb to marrying a woman he didn't know.

She firmly believed that Elijah was different from the past.

However, Cordelia underestimated the power of the Price family in spreading news.

In just one day, the news spread throughout the whole Undernet.

Many people sent messages to Cordelia, asking her about Elijah and Clare.

Cordelia didn't reply.

Although she was still firm, she wouldn't say such words that would easily fall into the traps of others.

Every step could go wrong.

If the rumors were confirmed, it would be too embarrassing for her.

When Adam called Cordelia, Cordelia just finished a shower and was going to sleep.

Adam and Imogen were talking to each other on the other end of the phone as if they were doing cross-talk.

"Elijah and I are fine, don't worry. The Price family is spreading rumors, and maybe the Hansen family is also involved," Cordelia calmly explained.

Imogen heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that the two of them were fine.

Adam said, "Cordelia, the situation within the Hansen family is too complicated. I'm afraid you still have to suffer a lot with Elijah."

Cordelia smiled lightly. "Adam, I stopped thinking about marriage long ago. When two people are in love, they don't have to be bound by the wedding paper to love each other."


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