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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 284

Chapter 284 Flipping Her the Bird

Anticipating her intentions, Cordelia moved quickly and raised her hand to hold down the cup.

And she used the other hand reflexively and flung it on Elissa's face.

"Oh!" She moved her wrist slowly. "I didn't mean it."

"Cordelia Hansen!" Elissa covered her face and glared at her viciously.

"If you stay here any longer, I may continue to do this accidentally," Cordelia looked directly at her but said calmly.

At this time, Ben came back.

Elissa immediately threw herself into Ben's arms, crying, "Ben, Cordelia hit me."

Ben frowned and glanced at Cordelia. Meeting her righteous eyes, he suddenly had a headache.

He didn't speak and left the coffee shop with Elissa.

As soon as she stepped out the door, Elissa cried even more fiercely, "Ben, don't you try to defend me? Look at my face! Her fingertips are here!"

"Did I tell you? Don't approach Cordelia. And you agreed," Ben retorted her blankly.

"I... but..."

"Don't quibble. Fight her if you can, and stay away from her if you can't." After speaking, Ben walked away.

Elissa turned around and looked sternly at Cordelia, only to see her flipping the bird with a smile.

Elissa stomped her feet and hurriedly chased after Ben.

After Elijah's plane landed, Cordelia left the coffee shop and went to the airport to pick him up.

She didn't expect that Ben and Elissa were also waiting for Elijah at the airport.

Wearing sunglasses, Elijah saw the most delicate Cordelia in the crowd from a distance.

He smiled and walked straight towards her.


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