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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 288

Chapter 288 He Can't Erect Before You

Cordelia turned around and looked at Elissa as if looking at a fool.

She understood it.

Ben's mouth was a bit nasty, but his heart was still kind.

And Elissa was an evil and nasty woman with no brain.

Holding a hand of good cards and getting to this point, Cordelia actually admired her.

"Elissa, you can continue to be a villain. Don't be too proud of yourself. The punishment will await you."

Elissa laughed wildly. "What? Are you scared? If you're afraid, tell Imogen to get away and stop pestering Ben!"

After hearing her words, Cordelia suddenly smiled. "Do you think that if Imogen disappears, you will have a chance to climb into Ben's bed? You don't know that? He can't erect when facing you."


At this moment, Elissa felt an unprecedented sense of shame.

This was just a secret between her and Ben. How could Cordelia know?

After thinking about it, she knew it must be Elijah who had told her. The men could talk about everything and had no taboos.

Elissa's face was flushed, not from shyness, but from anger.

However, Cordelia paced back and forth, looking at her. "Why? You have such a good figure, look good, and moan perfectly on the bed. Why is he not interested in you?"

"Cordelia Hansen!"

Elissa never expected that Cordelia would speak so bluntly about the thing between men and women.

Although she and her little sisters would often say some nasty things, being said to the face by the enemy was simply a punishment for her!


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