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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 293

Chapter 293 Leave Me Alone!

Cordelia shook her head and said, "Is it possible that even though she is with Ben, she constantly feels a strong sense of crisis?"

As she spoke, Cordelia glanced at her phone and couldn't help but smile when she saw those provocative words.

"Look, she's obviously desperate. I think even though she's with Ben, Ben has no interest in her." Cordelia curled her lips and looked at Imogen with sparkling eyes.

Imogen was stunned and asked Cordelia, puzzled, "Is that possible? I really don't have that confidence, Cordelia."

"Just consider it as because of them." Cordelia pointed to Imogen's belly. "Men say they don't want it, but when it actually happens, it's still a pleasant surprise. After all, they haven't put in much effort, and yet they can get a new little life..."

"Yes, Cordelia, you're absolutely right!"

Imogen carefully thought about Ben's attitude towards her, and she realized that there had been some subtle changes since he found out she was pregnant.

Although Ben still had a sharp tongue, his attitude towards her was indeed different from before.

"As for Elissa," Cordelia said lightly, "She should experience some of the pain you've been through, shouldn't she?"

Guided by Cordelia's words, Imogen suddenly felt enlightened, and even the feeling of morning sickness seemed less intense.

Just then, Imogen's phone rang.

She glanced at it and immediately froze.

"Cordelia, bad news. Elijah and Clare are engaged!" Imogen said anxiously.

"It's impossible," Cordelia said calmly.

"It's true!" Imogen quickly showed Cordelia her phone. "Isn't that Elijah standing on the stage?"

Cordelia took the phone and glanced at it, her face turning pale.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Imogen, can Eason and I come in?" Adam said from outside the door.

Imogen thought, "Sure enough, bad news travels fast."


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