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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 296

Chapter 296 You Scheming Bitch!

All those photos were of Cordelia and Eason.

The photos included pictures of them talking in the car, as well as one where Eason was touching Cordelia's head.

There were pictures of them returning to the hotel together, with Eason following closely behind Cordelia.

And there were pictures of them entering a luxury apartment building together, with Eason carrying Cordelia's luggage.

Elijah became increasingly uneasy as he looked at the photos. He immediately called Cordelia.

But Cordelia's phone was turned off!

Elijah was stunned to find out that Cordelia had turned off her phone.

Judging by the time the photos were taken, it was an hour ago. Elijah wondered if they had already slept in the same bed now.

Elijah couldn't even bear to think about it.

He couldn't sit still any longer and started pacing back and forth in his study.

With no other options, he decided to call Eason.

Soon enough, Eason answered the phone.

There was some noise around him, indicating that he was outside.

"What's up?" Eason asked coldly.

"I wanted to talk to Cordelia, but her phone is turned off."

At this moment, Elijah felt he was incredibly small at that moment.

He humbled himself to Eason just to speak with Cordelia for a few words. Just a few words.

However, Eason heartlessly replied, "You better not disturb her. She's suffering because of you. At this point, if you truly love her, don't add salt to her wounds anymore. That would be too cruel to her!"

Elijah listened quietly, and then both of them fell into silence.

After a long while, Eason finally lost patience and said, "Hang up if you don't have anything else."

Only then did Elijah speak, "My engagement with Clare is fake, not real."


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