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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 300

Chapter 300 Don't Force Me

Imogen froze in astonishment on the spot.

The thing in her belly?

Imogen was furious!

"Ben, you scum. You dare to do wrong but fear to admit it. You are garbage that can't do without women!"

She bit her lip until it was bleeding from the bite.

It was her child, her priceless treasure. No one had the right to slander her child!

Ben raised his eyebrows while Imogen in front of him looked like a little wild cat with its paws up and its teeth waving.

In his impression, Imogen had never scolded him like this. And, of course, she didn't have the guts either.

Was it the man next to her who gave her courage? Or did what Ben just said angered her?

Suddenly, Ben reached out and grabbed her wrist. "Come on. To hospital!"

Imogen immediately struggled, and Adam also quickly grabbed Imogen. "Hey, Imogen is pregnant. Don't tear her. You will kill her!"

Ben glanced at Adam coldly. "Don't meddle in our business. Let go!"

As an outsider or a "landlord" unfamiliar with Imogen, Adam feared something terrible would happen.

Ben kept tugging on Imogen. So, Adam had no choice but to let Imogen go and watched Ben take her away.

"What a rubbish!" Adam immediately called Eason.

"Follow them and see which hospital they go to," Eason commanded calmly.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Adam hung up the phone while cursing, "Shit!"

Cordelia was sitting on the sofa, looking at the work report. When Eason hung up the phone, Cordelia immediately asked, "Eason, what's the matter?"

"Ben took Imogen to the hospital for an abortion. But don't worry. No one dares to operate on her," Eason said calmly.

Cordelia immediately yelled, "What the hell Ben is doing?"

No way. She had to go to the hospital!


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