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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 302

Chapter 302 Back to Reality

"Imogen, don't frighten me with the child. Do you think I care?" Ben asked.

"If you don't care, why are you always watching me? Wouldn't it be nice to spend time with Elissa?" Imogen sneered.

"You are pregnant with my child and living with another man. Do you think you could be the one to judge me?" Ben's eyes widened, and Imogen seemed to have pissed him off.

Imogen said sarcastically, "So if I have an abortion, will you leave me alone?"

"You wish!" Ben suddenly grabbed Imogen's wrist and said viciously, "Even if you die, you still have to be buried with me. Do you think you can get rid of me?"

"Are you crazy?" Imogen said.

Imogen shook his hand hard. But he was too strong, and she couldn't shake it off.

The two were arguing fiercely, and everyone's attention was focused on them. No one noticed that Cordelia dialed a number at some point.

Cordelia suddenly said, "Miss Flores, did you hear that? Can't you keep your man in line? Don't you want him?"

Elissa remained silent for a long time.

Immediately afterward, bursts of sobbing came from the phone.

"Ben, how could you do this to me? If you abandon me, what's the point of me being alive?"

Hearing Elissa's weeping, Cordelia couldn't help but feel sick.

Imogen shivered and said, "I feel like vomiting again."

Sure enough, Ben was at the mercy of Elissa.

Ben immediately let go of Imogen's wrist and said anxiously, "Elissa, don't do anything stupid..."

However, before he finished speaking, Cordelia hung up the phone.


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