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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 304

Chapter 304 She Didn't Like Him

"You will always be my friend." Cordelia smiled, turned around, and went into the room.

Saying more would make Eason more uncomfortable. Cordelia wanted to use future actions to let Eason understand that she had never changed and wouldn't take advantage of the four of them.

No matter how close they were, they should have their own privacy and personal space.

Besides, Cordelia was used to being alone and didn't want to be tied up.

Actually, it seemed that only Elijah had made her feel willing to be tied down.

Unfortunately, this person no longer existed.

Cordelia went back to her room.

Eason sat there blankly. He knew that his confession had failed.

It was the same with confessing early and late. She just had no feelings for him.

Eason knew he should just be Cordelia's friend, which was better than being rejected by her.

Early the next morning, Cordelia went out for a morning run as usual and found that Eason had left at some point.

She still ran and bought breakfast as usual without thinking about it too much.

After coming back from running and having breakfast, Cordelia packed her luggage and left Eason's apartment.

Just as she was dragging her suitcase and walking in the neighborhood, she met Mia.

At the sight of Cordelia, Mia immediately greeted her warmly and invited her to have coffee at home.

Cordelia declined, "Mrs. Mia Holland, I have work to do, and I'll visit you sometime."

Mia nodded and smiled. "Okay. Then go."

So, Cordelia planned to say goodbye to Mia.


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