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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Get Drunk 

“Haha.” Cordelia burst into laughter “What are you talking about? By the way, who are you?” 

She didn’t recognize Elijah. 

Elijah gritted his teeth. He wished he could get a basin of cold water to wake up this drunk woman’ 

“Forget it. It’s said that men are the same. I am not picky. You are not bad,” Cordelia giggled 

Cordeha was heavily drunk, but she wasn’t like this when she was drunk before 

She would curl up under the quilt like a kitten and murmur softly She would never do anything presumptuous 

“Come on. Give me your account number” Cordelia shook her phone 

Why?” Eljah was puzzled. 

Cordelia smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t pretend. I’ll give you two hundred dollars more than the market price, okay? Hurry up” 

Elijah immethately understood. 

Cordelia treated him as a gigola. 

He suddenly grabbed Cordelia’s waist. The look in his eyes became fatal and dangerous 

“You are quite generous! Seems like you are a regular visitor.” 

Elijah’s eyes were red. He stared at Cordelia’s beautiful face and tried to fish for information. 

“When did I have the chance to be a regular visitor?” Cordelia muttered. 

Elijah’s face softened a little. He thought Cordelia didn’t dare to do that. 

“But it’s different now. I’m going to get a divorce Congratulate me,” Cordelia said, laughing excitedly. “I will be free!” 

“What will you do after you are free? Go find that man and be with him?” Elijah used more strength as if he wanted to break her slender waist. 

Cordelia frowned and said, “It’s none of your business. Tell me how much it is, or I will pick someone else!” 

Elijah gritted his teeth. “Any price you like!” 

Cordelia paid 1,200 dollars into his bank account and muttered, “Well, two hundred dollars is a tip for you. Work hard. Don’t be lazy Do you hear me?” 

Elijah raised his eyebrows. “How dare you?” 

Cordelia was bold. He must teach her a lesson 

He picked up Cordelia while cursing Seeing her fling her legs, he patte! her buttocks, “Stop that, or I will have sex with you right in 

“Boohoo What a fierce man I regret giving you a tip,” Cordelia cried angrily 

It was warm in the car, and Elijah’s embrace was warmer. Not long after sitting in the car, Cordelia fell asleep. 

Elijah looked down at the delicate face in his arms and couldn’t help touching it. It was still as soft as a baby. 

There were a few shocking scratches on Cordelia’s long neck. Although some of them were covered with band-aids, Elijah could still see them 

His eyes darkened. He pursed his lips and looked out the window, lost in thought 

The car stopped at the entrance of the Maple Villa Eljali picked up Cordelia and walked toward the house 

“Well, it’s cold. 

Elijah said lightly. “We will be home soon” 

He took off Cordelia’s clothes expressionlessly and threw her into the bathtub 


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