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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 318

Chapter 318 Residence

Eason, who realized this too late, suddenly understood why he always lost to Elijah.

However, if he had another chance, he still wouldn't do his best.

He and Elijah were different from the beginning to the end.

Cordelia was sitting in the waiting room, closing her eyes and having a rest, when a familiar voice sounded from not far away.

"No, thanks."

Cordelia suddenly opened her eyes and saw Elijah sitting two seats away from her.

She immediately withdrew her gaze, frowning slightly.

At this time, she received a message requesting to add friends on her phone.

Cordelia unconsciously looked in Elijah's direction, and he was indeed looking here.

So, she looked at Elijah and said silently, "Boring."

Not long after, Elijah sent another request message and explained, "I have a business to discuss with you. Please give me a chance."

Cordelia ignored him again and continued to rest with her eyes closed until boarding the plane.

The flight time was only more than two hours, and Cordelia arrived soon after a nap.

So, when she woke up again, she found that the lady sitting next to her had disappeared and was replaced by Elijah.

At this time, Elijah was reading the document intently with a handsome side face toward Cordelia.

He seemed to have sensed her gaze. Elijah turned to look at Cordelia and asked in a low voice, "Are you awake? The plane is about to land."

"Alright," Cordelia responded coldly.

Elijah closed the document and looked at her with a faint smile. "I really have something to say. It would be more convenient to talk on the phone when we can't meet."

Cordelia smiled coldly and said, "But I have blacklisted all your contact information before. You can contact Milo's assistant for work matters."

After saying that, Cordelia ignored him again.


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