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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 320

Chapter 320 I Don't Care

Suddenly, Elijah hugged Cordelia tightly and whispered in her ear, "Cordie, I don't care."

He didn't care if he was humble to the one he loved.

He did something wrong and couldn't let her go, so as long as he could get her back, it didn't matter what the process was.

He just wanted a good result.

He wanted to say good morning to her every morning and good night to her every night.

"Elijah, you have gone too far," Cordelia said in a cold voice.

She didn't push him and seemed to be hesitant, which gave Elijah the wrong signal.

She just wanted to use her attitude to tell Elijah that he had gone too far!


Cordelia interrupted him, "Elijah if there is a camera there now, and the photos are sent back to Beilve City, what impact will it have on Hansen Group? And what kind of reputation damage will it cause to you?"

She didn't want to preach, but Elijah's behavior was a bit aggressive. He really did whatever he wanted without any restraints.

"I will break off the engagement as soon as possible," Elijah said seriously.

"What does it have to do with me?" Cordelia stood up and walked toward the house with her cold back to Elijah.

Elijah silently watched her back until she disappeared with a smile on his face.

It was great to see her again.

In the following days, Cordelia was busy every day.

Elijah would occasionally call her and talk about work matters, and he was patient.

Through chatting, Cordelia learned that Elijah had returned to Beilve City. He did not ask her to meet, which made Cordelia feel much less psychologically stressed.

In fact, she now felt that dealing with Elijah was a very stressful thing.

She didn't know what Milo's intention was. Did he just want her not to suffer too much?

Indeed, Elijah had been very active in business recently, bringing a lot of income and a good reputation to Undernet.


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