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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 330

Chapter 330 Are You Angry With Me?

"Is Elijah here?"

Cordelia thought and glanced at the time with a frown.

It was nine o'clock in the evening. It was not too late.

She put off her pajamas, dressed neatly, and walked out of the house.

She saw Elijah standing outside the gate and waving to her with a smile.

"Why are you here suddenly?" Cordelia asked as she opened the door for him.

"I want to see you." Elijah walked into the gate. When he was looking at Cordelia, there was light in his eyes.

Cordelia's attitude was still indifferent. "Well. You've seen me. Shouldn't you return to Beilve City now?"

"I'm not leaving tonight." Elijah wanted to hold her hand, but she avoided it.

"At this time, you should stay at the Hansen Group. Aren't you afraid that the Price Group will play tricks again?" Cordelia casually asked as if chatting with him.

Elijah said, "That pedantic and conservative family should have been bankrupted long ago."

Cordelia raised her eyebrows. "Elijah, your rebellious period has begun again, huh?"

"I've never stopped being rebellious," Elijah smiled, "I came to you tonight to share a secret with you."

"Oh? What secret?" Cordelia finally became a little interested in this chat.

She sat on the bench and looked sideways at Elijah.

Elijah lowered his head and played a recording from his mobile phone. Elijah recognized the crying voice was Edith's. "Elijah, I have loved Gabe for many years. But he suddenly said he didn't love me. It turns out that it was all my wishful thinking. I always believe that he loves me in this life."

Cordelia unconsciously clenched her hands when she heard Edith's crying voice.

No matter how strong a woman was, she still had a fragile side.

Besides, Cordelia always felt that Edith was a nice person, but she had a tough character.


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