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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 334

Chapter 334 Too Harsh on Her

Seeing him raise a finger to his lips, Cordelia didn't greet him.

"Mr. Hansen said you were kind, but where's the kindness?" Clare hadn't noticed Cordelia's expression and sneered, "You're just using your appearance to deceive men!"

Cordelia smiled, "See, you're quite competent when you're not pretending. Did calling me useless make you feel better?"

Clare did feel a bit relieved, but her ultimate goal remained unachieved.

"You're a loser, and I won't waste my time on you. After your little tantrum, just leave. I'll continue to live in my villa, enjoying my wealth and glory. Whether you live or die, it's none of my concern."

Cordelia turned to leave, but suddenly, Clare let out a shrill cry from behind. "Evie, go to hell!"

Cordelia had predicted her attack and quickly dodged. She elbowed Clare in the back, causing her to fall to the ground.

Clare fell clumsily, her face scraping against the ground, leaving her terrified.

She couldn't afford to damage her face, not at this point!

But at this moment, she heard Cordelia's voice as if it were coming from a distant height. "Clare, how much good luck do you think you have to act so recklessly?"

Just as she was about to retort, she heard a familiar voice. "Cordelia, are you okay? Did she hurt you?"

Cordelia shook her head. "I knew she'd resort to dirty tricks."

Otherwise, Laura wouldn't be hiding in the hospital, refusing to see anyone.

Clare had almost ruined Laura's face. Clare had always been a disguised snake, with her soft and vulnerable appearance only a deceptive facade.

Seeing that Cordelia was unharmed, Elijah finally relaxed and then looked down at Clare, who was lying on the ground.

"It's your own fault that you've ended up like this, Price Group. Trying to use your disciple to manipulate an entire family for your own gain, you people at Price Group really have big dreams."


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