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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 338

Chapter 338 Substantial Settlement

Cordelia accompanied Elijah back to the Hansen Manor.

How long had it been since she had set foot here?

Everything here remained unchanged, just as it was before.

But it felt different to her.

As they walked, Cordelia accidentally touched Elijah's hand.

His hand was cold.

Cordelia reassured him, saying, "Gabe was fine just before. Everything will be alright."

However, despite her words, seeing the anxious atmosphere in the Hansen Manor, Cordelia knew that Gabe might truly be in a bad condition.

Suddenly, Elijah tightly held her hand.

"I feel the same way now as I did when I found out about your car accident.

Cordelia, you must stay safe and sound."

Elijah's emotions were obviously in turmoil, and his words were somewhat incoherent.

At this moment, Cordelia leaned in and gently hugged him, patting his back. "Don't be afraid. I think Gabe has something to say to you."

His last words, perhaps?

Elijah didn't want to hear them.

Just like when Tristan was hanging with him on that cliff before Tristan cut the rope, he said, "Elijah, live well and take care of my sister for me."

As time passed, he had almost forgotten about it, but at that moment, those memories were suddenly clear and vivid.

Cordelia had no choice but to support Elijah and lead him into the Hansen Manor.

The servants were all in the living room, but Cordelia paid no attention to them. She took Elijah upstairs.

When Gideon saw Cordelia, a glint of light appeared in his clouded eyes.

But he quickly hid it.

Cordelia politely addressed him as Sir Hansen before taking Elijah into Gabe's room.

Two doctors were standing by Gabe's bedside, both wearing helpless expressions.


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