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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 An Unexpected Gift 

That night, Cordelia went back to the Maple Villa. 

She took all the supplies with her when she left, but this morning, she found that Nora had prepared new ones for her. 

Seeing her back, Nora was very happy and served her the fertility food after dinner. 

Cordelia finished it with a wry smile and then went back to the study to work 

When Elijah came back, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Nora stepping forward with a big smile on her face, pointing to the high heels on the ground and the second floor. 

“Is Cordelia back?” 

Nora nodded and said with a smile, “And she finished the fertility food. You finally coaxed her.” 

Coaxed her? 

Elijah changed his shoes expressionlessly and went upstairs to see Cordelia. 

When he went to the door of the study, he heard Cordelia’s voice. “Adain, this thing can’t be done rashly. I hope you can be patient 


Elijah’s eyes became colder. 

Cordelia was talking on the phone when she saw Elijah walking in with a cold face. 

“Adam, can I talk to you tomorrow? Okay. I have to hang up.” 

Cordelia put down her phone and looked at Elijah “What’s wrong?” 

Judging from Elijah’s expression, it seemed that he came to ask what happened. 

“Did you meet Eva this afternoon?” Elijah walked toward Cordelia slowly while asking 


Cordelia remained calm. She wanted to see how Eva discredited her in front of Elijah again. 

“She is like a child and speaks before she thinks. Don’t take offense,” Elijah said seriously. 

Cordelia looked at Elijah and said with a light smile, “I think Miss Lewis is quite honest.“ 

It was not that Eva spoke before she thought. Instead, she had rehearsed it countless times in her mind. 

Otherwise, how could she upset Cordelia with every word she said? 

Elijah stepped forward and lifted Cordelia from the chair. 

Cordelia was shocked. “What are you doing?” 

Elijah sat where she had been sitting before and placed her on his lap. 

The two were very close to each other. 

“Eva is someone I must protect. If she makes you suffer, I’d like to apologize to you on her behalf.” 

Elijah’s tone was gentle, as if he realized what he owed Cordelia. 

But Cordelia didn’t care 

She had investigated the past between Elijah and Eva, so his words were not difficult to understand. 

Cordeha thought Elijah also had feelings for Eva. 

Or did he do that knowingly? 

Suddenly, she felt that her car was itchy, and her whole body trembled. 


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