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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 343

Chapter 343 His Attachment

How could Cordelia obediently let him do something to her?

She bit the man hard and broke away from his arms.

"Elijah, get out of here!"

Cordelia was so angry that her breathing became rapid, and his chest heaved up and down.

Did he want to do her like this? What was she?

"I'm sorry. I haven't been close to you for so long. I just couldn't control myself." Elijah said apologetically.

Cordelia didn't believe his lies. If she hadn't resisted just now, she could guarantee that the man would go along with the situation and take the opportunity to enjoy it.

Although she had been abstinent for a long time, and she was also carried away for a moment just now, she knew very well in her heart that she couldn't start with him.

Otherwise, if she let him do it once, there would be a second time, and he would only become more and more presumptuous in the future.

"Who did you drink with?" Cordelia was worried that he drank with his mother.

In the end, she guessed correctly.

"With my mother."

Knowing that he didn't get drunk on purpose, Cordelia's expression softened slightly.

"You should spend more time with her recently. She needs you." Cordelia said worriedly.

"I know." Elijah got up and came to her. "Sit down. I'm sober. I won't mess around."

As a result, Cordelia sat a little farther away from him, very defensively.

Elijah did not force her and then said, "What did that woman tell you?"

Mentioning this, Cordelia froze for a moment. She lowered her head, trying to hide her embarrassment, but Elijah had already noticed it.

"You know about it, don't you?" Elijah laughed at himself. "How do you feel towards Eason now? Do you feel sorry for him?"


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