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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 353

Chapter 353 Ben Is Calling to Blame Me!

Cordelia touched her head and comforted her. "I understand. I would do the same thing if it were me."

Imogen was really tortured to the point of collapse. Even though she saw a psychiatrist in time, she was still afraid of the dark and dared not turn off the light to sleep every night.

"Cordelia, I want to sleep with you tonight," Imogen said pitifully.

"Okay, before you go to bed, I'll give you a massage." Cordelia agreed readily.

Imogen hugged her immediately. "Cordelia, how about it? After I give birth to the babies, we can live and raise the babies together."

"Of course, I will raise the babies with you, but I have another idea now. I think Ben is not worthy of you giving birth to his babies."

Imogen's eyes suddenly turned red. "Cordelia, you are so right. He is not worthy of being the father of the babies."

Cordelia hurriedly patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. There are still a few months left. Let's think of a way to keep both babies."


But they all knew that it was too difficult.

Unless Ben suddenly grew a conscience and stopped competing with Imogen, it would only take him minutes to take Imogen's babies away, given his power and influence.

Afterwards, Imogen and Cordelia ignored the escalating news online and took turns to shower. Then Cordelia gave Imogen a massage before going to bed.

Imogen lay comfortably and couldn't help but sigh, "This feels so good! Cordelia, whoever marries you in the future must have saved the entire galaxy in his previous life."

"I was married." Cordelia shrugged.

"Then, did you give Elijah a massage?" Imogen asked.

Cordelia thought about it for a moment and said, "I only massaged his head. We weren't together much during our three-year marriage."


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