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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 356

Chapter 356 The Most Important Question

If it had been in the past, Cordelia wouldn't have worried so much.

But now Imogen was pregnant with twins, which made Cordelia worried to death.

She was afraid that her tragedy would happen to Imogen.

Cordelia almost sped up all the way back to the Maple Villa. As she saw blood in the yard, yet not much, her heart was even more suspended in her throat.

"Imogen! Imogen!" Cordelia ran and rushed into the villa.

As soon as she entered the villa, she saw Imogen lying on the sofa weakly.

Elijah was sitting quietly on the other side of the sofa, far away from Imogen.

"Imogen, how are you? Where are you feeling unwell?" Cordelia asked anxiously.

"She's fine. She's just scared," Elijah replied to Imogen.

Cordelia held Imogen's wrist, took her pulse, and asked Elijah at the same time, "What happened?"

Before Elijah could answer, Imogen took the lead and said, "I... I want to be alone for a while."

For a moment, the living room fell into silence.

Half a minute later, Cordelia said, "You are too frightened. It's not a big problem. I'll send you up to rest!"

"Okay." Imogen was very obedient, followed Cordelia, and went upstairs.

Elijah waited for Cordelia downstairs for a long time before she showed up.

"Haven't you left yet?" Cordelia looked at him in surprise.

"Where is your mobile phone?" Elijah asked with a frown.

Cordelia quickly took it out. "It's out of battery. I was busy and forgot. I didn't expect you to have my assistant's phone number."

Elijah finally felt relieved.

"Elissa came to cause trouble for Imogen, and the two started fighting. Later, Ben beat Elissa so badly that she was sent to the hospital."

Elijah didn't exaggerate the details at all.


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