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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 361

Chapter 361 You Want to Break up With Me?

Cordelia sneered, "Whatever. Anyway, you are hopeless. If you insist, no one can stop you!"

After speaking, Cordelia returned to the hospital bed, took the needle for the patient, gave some doctor's orders, and left.

When she walked to the door, she heard Elissa resentfully say, "Cordelia, wait and see!"

She might be crazy.

Cordelia didn't waste any more time with Elissa. Cordelia still had a few hospitals to attend, so she didn't have time to listen to Elissa's nonsense.

But at night, Cordelia still told Imogen about the matter.

Imogen rolled her eyes and said, "Look, she can't even afford a single room. All she can do now is bragging. Just ignore her!"

"What I mean is, don't let your guard down. Your biggest enemy now is her." Cordelia reminded Imogen, who was confused.

"Thank you. Cordelia, I know you are the best to me!" Imogen said sweetly.

At this time, Elijah came.

Cordelia had no intention of ending the call with Imogen, and the two continued to chat.

It wasn't until Elijah coughed that Imogen suddenly realized. "Oh, Cordelia, is there anyone else in your house?"

"Well, Elijah is here," Cordelia said calmly.

"Oh, why are you still talking with me? Hurry up to him. I'll hang up first!" Imogen moved faster than speaking. Not allowing Cordelia to say goodbye to her, Imogen hung up the phone directly.

Cordelia actually didn't want to talk to Elijah.

She felt now was indescribably unpleasant. She even wanted to quarrel with him, which was better than the feeling of being unable to get rid of him.

"Why are you here again?" Cordelia asked angrily.


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