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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 365

Chapter 365 Something Happened Between You and Eason

Cordelia shrank her neck and wrapped her arms around Elijah's neck. "Do you like me because you like sleeping with me?"

Elijah chuckled, and his tone was casual. "The only thing I knew about you at first was your body.

"As I gradually noticed many aspects of you, I began to like you.

"You always surprise me, just like in bed."

Hearing Elijah's titillating words, Cordelia blushed.

How could Elijah be so straightforward?

Suddenly, Elijah stood up and carried her up. "Baby, shall I take you up to sleep?"

"OK," Cordelia responded softly and buried her red face into Elijah's chest.

Elijah did not stop flirting with Cordelia.

When the atmosphere was romantic, the phone charging on the bedside table suddenly rang.

Cordelia pushed Elijah away and reached out to take the phone over. Then, she picked it up.

Elijah saw the caller ID on the screen.

It was Eason.

It was late. Elijah didn't know why Eason always called Cordelia so late.

Elijah was unhappy, so he bit Cordelia's shoulder.

Cordelia felt the pain.

"What's wrong, Cordelia?"

Cordelia bit her lip. "Nothing. Eason, what did you say? Did Mrs. Mia Holland come to Beilve City again?"


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