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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 367

Chapter 367 Take You as My Wife

Later, Elijah came.

When he saw Cordelia, he was not surprised. Edith might have told him in advance.

He sat beside Cordelia and took her hand. He asked, "Let's go after dinner, and I will send you home."

Cordelia blinked as if asking him with her eyes. "You are going to stay with me and not leave, aren't you?"

Elijah smiled and nodded calmly, affirming her thoughts.

"I have good news for you," Elijah said suddenly, "Jenny may be pregnant."

"So fast?" Cordelia was surprised.

Elijah nodded and said, "Samuel said that he hadn't taken her to the hospital for an examination, but they did a self-test, which showed that she was pregnant."

No wonder Jenny didn't call Cordelia and tell her about it. It turned out she planned not to tell Cordelia until she was sure.

However, men seemed to talk about anything. Samuel told Elijah about that early.

Cordelia was happy for Jenny.

At that moment, Edith came with fruits. When she saw the couple getting along well, she said with a smile, "Eat some fruits. I'll go to the kitchen to supervise them."

"Mom, come and sit down. I have something to talk to you," Elijah said.

Edith paused. She turned around and sat down.

"Do you know William?"

Edith nodded. "He is your father's classmate. He is abroad now, isn't he?"

"Yes, I want to visit him," Elijah said.

"I'll go with you," Edith said immediately. She did not forget Cordelia. "Cordelia, if you are free, come with us."


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