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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 369

Chapter 369 I Won't Compete With You

When they entered the terminal building, there was an uproar ahead.

Clare curled up in a chair and shivered while the man beside her kept cursing her and pushed her from time to time.

"Why don't you not speak? Don't keep silent.

"I have never seen a bitch like you. You slept with someone else long ago.

"You are just an abandoned woman. Don't you know that?"

Clare sobbed and pulled the man's clothes. She said, "Can you stop being angry? It's all my fault."

At that moment, Clare noticed Cordelia and Elijah out of the corner of her eye and turned to look at them.

In just an instant, her face became pale. The cowardice and sadness in her eyes disappeared, leaving only undisguised resentment.

The man followed Clare's gaze and saw Elijah. He held back his anger and came to Elijah with a flattering face. "Mr. Hansen, what a coincidence."

"Yes, my wife and I are on a trip," Elijah said calmly, "What about you?"

The man didn't expect Elijah to ask him. He was stunned. Immediately, he said with a smile, "I am going to Yeltonland for business."

Elijah nodded and said goodbye to him.

The man returned to his seat in a good mood and pulled Clare into his arms. "Alright, I'm in a good mood and won't argue with you. You bitch, don't make me angry again. Have you heard me?"

Clare replied timidly, "Got it."

As she said that, she looked for Cordelia and Elijah.

Elijah got close to Cordelia with a smile and whispered something in Cordelia's ear. Then, he kissed her on the cheek. All that was seen by Clare.

Elijah's eyes and movements showed that he only focused on Cordelia.

Clare was going crazy with jealousy.


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