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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 375

Chapter 375 Why Are You So Nice

Thus, Cordelia took a shower, had breakfast with a heavy heart, and waited until Elijah came back.

Judging from his poor expression, Cordelia knew that his conversation with Edith might not have made him feel much more relaxed.

"Good morning, come and have breakfast!" Cordelia said as if nothing happened.

Elijah nodded, came to sit next to her, picked up her milk, and drank it without minding it at all.

Cordelia said helplessly, "Can you be reasonable, Elijah?"

"Your milk tastes delicious," Elijah said seriously.

Cordelia was stunned for a moment and accidentally mistook his words for something dirty.

Moreover, she realized that Elijah actually smiled!

Cordelia immediately glared at him. This guy did it on purpose!

"I don't care. I want to drink yours!" Cordelia simply became unreasonable.

Elijah held up his little face and kissed her twice on the cheek.

Cordelia quickly wiped her face with disgust. "Go away. You rubbed the milk all over my face."

"My mother has already told me everything." Elijah sat back down and solemnly talked about the serious matter.

"I guessed it, but why do you seem unhappy?" Cordelia asked.

"Because of Mr. Gudwin."

Although the conflicts within a family should not be shared with outsiders, Elijah did not keep it a secret from Cordelia at all. He, of course, did not regard her as an outsider.

"I actually regret that I said some harsh words to her. But Cordelia, I feel that my mother had no right to condemn my father. She never did."

Cordelia sighed, "Elijah, it's a matter between your parents. Please let yourself go!"

Elijah was slightly stunned, then smiled. "I understand. I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you."

Men really should not show their vulnerable side in front of women. They should always be confident and proud!

Elijah expressed his disdain for his abnormal self yesterday.


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