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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 381

Chapter 381 You Will Lose Me

Cordelia deliberately avoided mentioning Tristan's name again. Of course, when she said "many people", she was one of them.

Since Elijah said he liked her, and he was an adult now, he should be responsible for his lover.

Not to mention how miserable his parents would be if he hurt himself.

If he did not cherish his own life, he would really be sorry for too many people.

Elijah understood Cordelia's meaning after thinking for a while, and he also guessed that Edith must have talked to Cordelia.

After all, he and his mother just had a heated argument in the morning.

Cordelia, on the other hand, was really easygoing. Edith could move her by simply putting away his pride a little and showing a little concern.

"Kiddo, you have to be tougher-hearted in the future. As you are now, it's easy for someone to guilt-trip you or misguide you," Elijah suddenly said.

Cordelia tilted his head in confusion. "Oh? Are you worried about me? Are you afraid that I will be taken advantage of outside?"

"If you get taken advantage of, I will, of course, help you get back at them. But it would be better if that didn't happen," Elijah said seriously, staring into Cordelia's beautiful eyes.

Cordelia nodded solemnly. "I'll keep that in mind, Sir Hansen. Is there anything else that you would like to teach me?"

Elijah chuckled, "Kiddo!"

With that said, he helped Cordelia stand up, then walked toward the bed step by step.

"Hey, again?"

Elijah smiled and said, "You rest for a while, and we will book a flight back in the evening."

This was the same as Cordelia's plan.


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