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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 389

Chapter 389 Don't Call Me Cordie

At that time, Adam, working with a pad on the side, said, "Did Cordelia break with Elijah?"

"No. Adam, don't talk nonsense. They are fine!" Imogen quickly refuted the rumor.

Adam pouted.

Then, he received an email from his informant.

When he opened it, he gradually smiled.

"Imogen, I saw something interesting and wanted to share it with you."

When Imogen heard that, she immediately became interested. "What? What?"

She stood up and came to Adam with her pregnant belly.

When she saw the photos on his pad, her expression suddenly froze.

"There's something more exciting. Do you want to see them?" Adam said, flipping through the photos without giving her a chance to answer.

Imogen viewed them one by one, and her expression became more and more livid.

"Adam, I'm a little tired," After saying that, she returned to the room.

Adam's muttering came from her back, "What a fool a woman is to believe in such a man!"

Imogen instinctively covered her ears and hid in the room.

She leaned against the door, holding her belly, and her tears fell, completely out of her control.

"Yeah! We are so stupid!"

When Cordelia was talking with the client, her assistant came over and said something in her ear. Cordelia's face suddenly became unnatural.

She immediately apologized to the client, made another appointment with them, returned to the office, and made a phone call.

"Imogen, what are you making a fuss about? Why do you want to have induced labor? Are you crazy?"

Imogen's voice was unbelievably hoarse, sounding like a man. "Cordelia, I don't want to give birth to him anymore, and I don't want his child either!"

"What happened? Did Ben violate the treaty?" Cordelia asked calmly.


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