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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 391

Chapter 391 I Will Give Her the World

After that, she told Eason about her temporary amnesia and rumors about her disappearance being spread by the villagers.

Eason understood it.

"I didn't expect that after I saved you from the fire back then, you experienced a narrow escape. But Cordelia, you are lucky after all!"

Cordelia smiled and then said, "Eason, I heard from Mr. Carter that you have encountered some difficulties recently. Can I help you?"

Eason was obviously stunned and then shook his head. "Cordelia, you can't help me. I need a suitable marriage partner."

"Uhh... I really can't help you. Eason, I'm sorry." Cordelia smiled lightly. "But if it's anything else, you can tell me. If I can help, I will try my best to help you."

Eason smiled lightly and said nothing more.

The two parted at the door of the restaurant.

Before leaving, Cordelia told Eason, "Eason, if you need help, just let me know, and I'd be glad to help you."

Eason smiled and nodded. Hesitating for a moment, he said, "I'm sorry about Elijah. You also know the situation of the Hansen family. It is only the Hansen family who has the say. If you are willing to listen to the details, let's find another opportunity, and I will tell you in detail."

Cordelia shrugged. "I have been in the Hansen family for three years, so I know very well the nature of the members of the Hansen family. Eason, since you choose to return to the Hansen family, you should be careful."

After saying that, Cordelia got into the taxi and left.

Eason watched the taxi until it disappeared, and then he slowly looked away.

Turning around, Eason saw Elijah smoking a cigarette not far away, which surprised him.

"Are you here to pick Cordelia up? She just left." Eason's tone was very friendly.

"She is gone, so stop pretending." Elijah smiled disdainfully. "It seems that she didn't agree to your marriage request?"

Eason's eyes became bleak. "Elijah, you underestimate me. Since I know you are dating, I naturally wouldn't make such a request to Cordelia."


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