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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 395

Chapter 395 They Broke Up

The atmosphere finally relaxed, and Cordelia took the opportunity to contact her senior abroad.

It was rare for Cordelia to ask him for help, so he readily agreed.

"Okay, when Adam comes back in the evening, you can ask him to help you get your visa."

Imogen looked at Cordelia gratefully. "Cordelia, you are definitely my Captain Marvel."

Cordelia smiled, "If I were Captain Marvel, I would take you through time and bring you back to the past to reject the Turner family's marriage."

"Yes, reject Ben, that piece of shit!" Imogen said with tears in his eyes.

In the evening, probably because they heard that Cordelia was coming, Eason came back with Adam.

Seeing the prepared meals on the table, Adam rubbed his hands and said, "It's been a long time since I, a bachelor, can eat ready-made meals as soon as I get home."

Cordelia was embarrassed and said, "Adam, this is the takeout I ordered."

Adam burst out laughing. "Takeaway is fine, as long as someone prepared it!"

The four of them had dinner together. During the dinner, Cordelia told Adam about the visa.

Adam patted his chest and assured. "No problem! Leave it to me. I will definitely accomplish the mission, and you can rest assured."

After comforting Imogen, Cordelia prepared to leave.

To her surprise, Eason didn't intend to go with her, so Cordelia left first.

When Cordelia left, Imogen also returned to his room. In the living room, Adam kept shaking his head, saying, "Oh, Eason, why are you still being so cautious? Now is a good time to pursue Cordelia!"

Eason just shook his head lightly.

He was well aware of what Cordelia thought of him.


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