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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Family Dinner 

Cordelia showered and changed into nice clothes, and quickly touched up her makeup. 

As she stepped out of the dressing room, her phone vibrated with a message. 

[I’m here. Downstairs.] 

Elijah’s breath hitched as he caught sight of Cordelia walking through the ballroom doors. 

She was dressed in a sleek black V-neck dress, accentuating her curvy figure. 

With her natural beauty and the added touch of makeup, she looked absolutely enchanting, a woman that any man would fall for. 

But her face stayed cold and unfeeling as she looked at him. She was ready to get into the car when a large hand suddenly stopped her. 

She turned her head. “Yes, Mr. Hansen?” 

“It seems… like you’ve been doing quite well on your own lately,” Elijah remarked, a bit resentful. 

“Indeed, I have.” She smiled provocatively. 

“I was wondering why you’re in such a hurry to divorce me… So, 

Her shimmering eyes glared at him, and she retorted, “If you have nothing to say, then keep quiet. You keep provoking me like this, and you can forget the dinner.” 

“Why else would you be breathing so heavily when you answered the phone carlier?” Elijah approached her, his gaze intense. “Who were you just with?” 

Her face turned red, and she roughly pushed him away. “That’s 


She turned on her heel, ready to get in the car. 

But Elijah was quicker. He grabbed her waist. 

“Answer my question! Were you fl*ting with someone? Are you seeing someone new!?” He angrily pulled her over. 

She blushed and tried hard to push him away, but failed. 

“Of course no! What are you talking about? I was practicing dance! Let go of me!” 

He leaned in and kissed her hard before letting her go. 

She gaped at him, stunned, and wiped her mouth. 

Elijah smirked, “That’s what will happen when you ignore me.’ 

When they arrived at the villa, Cordelia was greeted by her in-laws, Edith and Gabe Hansen. Edith sneered coldly, while Gabe greeted her with a warm smile. 

Elijah kept his arm around her, his grip on her shoulder so tight she worried it would leave marks. It was his reminder to her, to choose her words carefully during dinner. 


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