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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 400

Chapter 400 Love Him Very Much

On the way, Eason went straight to the point and made an invitation to Cordelia.

"Cordelia, there is a charity auction next week. I would like you to participate in the name of Elia Research Institute. This will be the first official appearance of the institute in Beilve City."

Cordelia thought for a while and said, "Okay, but I still have to tell Mr. Carter first to see if he has any additional instructions."

Eason nodded. He didn't expect Cordelia to agree so readily, and he was somewhat surprised.

After thinking about it, Cordelia treated him as a benefactor. Even if they fell out some days, Cordelia would forgive him as he saved her life before.

From this point of view, he seemed to seize immunity privileges and had some advantages.

Besides, it was impossible that he would let things go to the point that they had to fall out.

He no longer had to worry about losing Cordelia in that kind of bonding.

Thinking of that, he mentioned what happened last night.

"Cordelia, please don't take Sir Hansen's suggestion at the banquet yesterday seriously to your heart. He just wanted to use you as a medium to reconcile with Mr. Carter," Eason said sincerely.

Cordelia curled his lips lightly and said, "No, I've already taken it to heart. But don't worry, Eason. I won't confuse Sir Hansen and you and vent my anger out on you because of him."

"I'm very grateful that you can think so." Eason smiled.

Cordelia looked out the window and said sullenly, "I have watched Elijah confront the family again and again, so I can understand your current situation and helplessness."

Eason's eyes darkened.

"Cordelia, do you still like Elijah?"

Cordelia pursed his lips and said without concealment, "Yes, I love him very much."

Although they were separated, Cordelia couldn't lie to herself. She still loved Elijah very much, although she tried hard to forget him.

A relationship that had no ending would only hurt people again and again.


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