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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Stay Away From Him 

Cordelia lowered her eyes absent-mindedly. “All the test results are available. It’s just a skin trauma. The doctor said that I could be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.” 

“Good to know that.” 

The two were silent for a while. 

“Cordelia, how did you know Eason?” Elijah asked suddenly. 

“Do you know him?” Cordelia was surprised. 

Elijah couldn’t admit that he checked Eason’s information, so he said, “He is very famous in the business world of Grant City.” 

“I knew him through Adam. They have a very good relationship.” 


Elijah was very sensitive about their relationship, so Cordelia deliberately avoided it. 


“He is very complicated. Stay away from him in the future,” Elijah warned in a cold tone. 


Cordelia pursed her lips and remained silent. 


“I am talking to you. Do you hear me?” Elijah askedamhappily when he didn’t get a response. 


Cordelia responded perfunctorily. Elijah let go of her hand in a bad mood. 

At that moment, his phone rang again. He got up and went out to answer it. 

Cordelia glanced at Elijah’s back at the door, pulled the quilt indifferently, lay down, and fell asleep. 

From what he said on the phone with Ben just now, he was refused when he asked Milo to treat 


If Cordelia’s guess was correct, Eason should have been there at the time, and Elijah was embarrassed after he was rejected by Milo. 


It was touching that Elijah looked for famous doctors to treat Eva. If he was sick, Cordelia would do the same for him. 

No wonder Eva was willing to be his mistress to repay his kindness. 

Cordelia was discharged from the hospital the next day. 

Because of the injury, she stopped all work and recuperated at home. 

When Edith learned that Cordelia was injured, she went to see her and brought her many supplements. 

“I’ve heard about what happened to your family. You are free to make any decisions, but I want to remind you, don’t let your grandpa know,” Edith said in a serious tone. 

“I know,” Cordelia responded obediently, but she knew that Gideon disliked her more and more. 

“Also, Cordelia, has Ottilie contacted you?” Edith asked suddenly. 

Cordelia knew that since Edith asked this question, she must have known, so she said calmly, “Yes, I gave her a hand.” 

At the same time, she added inwardly, “And I lost 100 million dollars.” 

She almost got her wish for a divorce. She was just a step away! 

Edith sighed, “She is lovestruck and stubborn. Try to contact her less. Don’t get yourself into. 


Cordelia nodded obediently. 


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