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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Self-Suggestion

It was normal for Ben's trip to Verdania to be in vain.

No matter how stupid Imogen was, she wouldn't stay in one place waiting for Ben to react and come after her.

Of course, Cordelia knew Imogen's whereabouts, but she would never tell Ben.

"Yes, you have seen her before. However, your intention was clear. That is to have sex with her. But later, Imogen left while you were asleep, not wanting to be endlessly entangled by you," Cordelia stated firmly.

Ben suddenly froze.

He had sex with Imogen without his knowledge? How could that be possible?

Seeing Ben's confusion, Cordelia seized the opportunity and continued, "I suggest you temporarily give up searching for Imogen and focus on treating your illness first."

Otherwise, it would only harm both himself and others.

Ben clenched his fists with veins visibly bulging on his forehead.

"The person who went to see her wasn't me. Imogen betrayed me!" he exclaimed.

Cordelia shook her head and denied him decisively, "It was you. It's just another side of yourself that you don't want to admit."

Beside them, Elijah had remained silent all along.

Until now, he firmly believed that Cordelia would surely be able to handle Ben.

From their recent conversation, it seemed that Cordelia's momentum had successfully surpassed Ben's, and she temporarily convinced him.

After a long silence, Ben struggled to speak, "So, what should I do?"

Chapter 444 1

Chapter 444 2

Chapter 444 3


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