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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Be Jealous 

Hearing Adam’s voice, Imogen looked up at Cordelia and smiled without saying anything. 

Elijah was usually not affected by women. Imogen didn’t expect him to be jealous because of a woman one day. 

As Cordelia danced with Brian before, Elijah asked the dance troupe to dismiss him. 

Elijah must be jealous because of another man again. 

“Cordelia, you’re gorgeous today,” Eason said 

at this time. 

Cordelia suddenly remembered she was wearing the skirt that Imogen had prepared for her. 

She smiled at the phone. “Thank you, Eason.” 

close to you? Speaking of which, people from you before!” Imogen asked curiously. 

“They are Grant City.” 

As time was limited, Cordelia didn’t explain too much. 

They worked together until very late, and Elijah kept calling to ask her when she would go home. 

“Let’s call it a day. Don’t keep Mr. Hansen waiting for too long.” Imogen winked at Cordelia. 

“Okay. I’ll come back to shoot the rest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow when I’m available.” 

While speaking, Cordelia had finished changing and was about to leave. 

“By the way, Cordelia, do you know why Ben fought with him that day?” 

Cordelia didn’t ask Elijah about the matter. 

But she noticed Imogen’s eyes darkened when Imogen. 

mentioned it. 

Cordelia paused. She raised her eyebrows and asked, “Could it be related to Elissa?” 

“Yes,” Imogen said calmly, “A man said in front of Ben that he had slept with Elissa, so Ben fought with him.” 

Cordelia was silent for a while and said, “Imogen, call off your 

engagement as soon as possible.” 

As Cordelia opened the door, she saw Ben leaning against the door and smoking with a serious face. 

Cordelia’s heart skipped a beat. 

She thought Ben must have heard their conversation as he was right outside the door. 

Cordelia could tell Ben didn’t like her very much from his expression at this time. 

Imogen’s face turned pale. She tried to remain calm and said, “Cordelia, go. Don’t keep Mr. Hansen waiting.” 


Cordelia nodded to Ben and left without waiting for his 


Sitting in the car, Elijah was having a rest in the backseat with his eyes closed. 

He smelled of alcohol. Hearing Cordelia get into the car, he leaned towards her and leaned against her shoulder. 


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