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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Make a Scene 

It seemed Elijah’s attitude towards her had changed since they made the deal. 

Like last night, she didn’t know how she offended him. 

Cordelia then remembered Elijah had always been capricious in the past. 

She suppressed the fret in her heart and devoted herself to the shooting. 

She hadn’t played the musical instruments prepared by Imogen for a long time. 

When she was in the country with her grandmother, she learned these musical instruments since childhood and had a solid foundation. As long as she practiced a little, she would get the 

skills back. 

“Great. That’s amazing, Cordelia!” 

After filming the last set, Imogen stepped forward and hugged Cordelia. “You are really my cash cow, Cordelia!” 

Cordelia was helpless. “Calm down. The traffic depends on luck. The one making a hit last night doesn’t mean we can always be popular. Don’t get your hopes too high.” 

Imogen looked serious. “Cordelia, you don’t know how charming 

you are when you play accordion. You look laBUIGUS! 

Cordelia said again, “Remember to blur my face.” 

“No problem!” 

At eleven o’clock that night, Elijah hadn’t come back yet. 

Cordelia suddenly understood the meaning of Elijah giving Eva’s post a like. 

Did Elijah go to accompany Eva tonight? 

That was unbelievable! 

Thinking of this, Cordelia made a phone call to Elijah. 

While waiting for the connection, Cordelia kept taking deep breaths to calm herself down. 

“What’s up?” 

“Why haven’t you come back?” Cordelia’s tone was very stiff. 

“I won’t be going back tonight,” Elijah said flatly. 

“Where are you? Why don’t you come back?” Cordelia frowned deeply. 

Elijah chuckled, “When did you start caring about me?” 

His implication was that she had never cared about whether he had come home at night or not before. 

Cordelia’s chest heaved, and she was boiling with rage. 

“Elijah, don’t go too far!” 

Elijah said coldly, “Go to bed early. Don’t wait for me.” 

After speaking, he hung up the phone. 

Cordelia’s face turned pale. She couldn’t bite her tongue tonight! 

She got up, put on her clothes again, and drove to the Hansen Manor. 

At that time, Elijah’s parents and Gideon had fallen asleep. 

The servant knocked on Edith’s door. Hearing that Cordelia came late at night, she didn’t disturb Gabe, put on a dress, and came downstairs. 

As soon as Cordelia saw Edith, her eyes turned red immediately. “Edith…” 

Cordelia was pretending to be sad. She knew Edith very well, who always supported the reasonable side. 


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