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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 The Destiny 

Lamia, now seeing Cordelia up close through the veil, was wide-eyed and filled with disbelief. 

“You! What’s your relationship with Jacob?” 

Cordelia looked at Lamia with an icy gaze, feeling her heart grow cold. 

It was all over. Since Lamia had found out the performer was Cordelia, it meant the Hansen family would soon find out as well. 

At this moment, Jacob approached and dragged Lamia. “Lamia, Cordelia is the musician I invited to perform for Grandma’s birthday. Don’t jump to conclusions.” 

Cordelia glanced at him, her tone ice-cold. “Well, I didn’t expect such a mess, Mr. Taylor. This is absolutely the last time I’ll help you.” 

“I’m truly sorry, Cordelia. I’ll handle this matter properly,” Jacob said apologetically. 

Just then, Mireya, leaning on a cane, walked over, her smile warm and friendly as she shook Cordelia’s hand. 

“Dear, you made some modifications to the score you played just now, didn’t you? I didn’t expect Maura’s granddaughter to 

surpass her in musical talent.” 

Cordelia smiled, answering graciously, “I did make a few 

adjustments, but they were minor details. You have an amazing hearing to have noticed the difference.” 

“Haha…” Mireya laughed heartily, her spirits lifting. 

Seeing the birthday celebrant so happy, the entire Taylor family was in high spirits. 

They were all respectful and appreciative of Cordelia upon realizing her importance, knowing that Jacob hadn’t invited her over for no reason. 

Lamia, on the other hand, stared in astonishment at how Mireya was pleased with Cordelia, feeling a pang of bitterness in her heart. 

If only she could be so beloved by Mireya. If that were the case, marrying into the Taylor family would be a piece of cake! 

Soon, Mireya took Cordelia to a lounge, where she showed her some old photos. 

Seeing her grandmother, Cordelia smiled with tears in her eyes. 

Her grandmother was indeed beautiful. 

Mireya, with a hint of regret in her aging eyes, remarked, “Maura had a difficult life. She gave up a promising career for her husband and children… By the way, dear, you must have 

married into the Hansen family by now, right?” 

Cordelia was taken aback. “You know about the engagement between our families?” 

Mireya smiled. “Of course, I was present when they verbally agreed to it.” 

“Really?” Cordelia was curious. “How did my grandmother and Elijah’s grandmother suddenly decide on the engagement?” 

Cordelia had always been puzzled by this doubt. After all, according to her memory, her grandmother lived in the countryside, and she rarely met her old friends from Beilve City. 

Mireya’s mood suddenly improved, and she began reminiscing about those pleasant memories. 

“Back then, you, Jacob, and Elijah were all so young. Especially you. You had just learned to walk. Back then, you were such an adorable little thing, and both boys liked you.” 


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