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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Keep Your Eye on Elissa 

Until now, Elijah looked back at Cordelia. “Please treat Eva’s wound, please.” 

Eva was quite quiet at this time and didn’t make any more trouble. She looked at Cordelia vigilantly with her eyes full of 


Cordelia didn’t bother to look at her. She walked in with a medicine box, put on gloves, and started to treat her wound with a blank expression. 

Eva looked at Cordelia with a face full of horror and said suspiciously, “You… Be gentle. Don’t take this opportunity to retaliate against me.” 

Cordelia looked at her suspiciously. “Why weren’t you afraid of pain when you hurt yourself?” 


Elijah said coldly, “Bear it, and don’t be capricious anymore.” 

“Elijah, can you sleep with me for a while?” Eva asked with hope. 

Without waiting for Elijah to speak, Cordelia took the lead and said, “Miss Lewis, it’s better not to go too far. You also know that I have no medical ethics. You’d better not play tricks on me now. 

Otherwise, the one who suffers will definitely not be me.” 

Eva instinctively wanted to fight back. But when she saw Elijah turn around and leave indifferently, she immediately turned downhearted. 

After that, there were successive groans of pain in the room. 

The two nurses watched indifferently from the sidelines, with “you deserved it” showing all over their faces. 

Elijah left the room and never came back. 

In the end, after all the wounds on her two arms were treated, Eva fell asleep from the pain. 

Cordelia walked out of the bedroom, took off the mask and gloves, and then said, “I will leave a prescription for calming the nerves. Whether you drink it or not is up to you, Miss Lewis. 

“To change the medicine, you can ask the doctor in the community clinic to come and change it. It’s all done. I’m leaving.” 

Elijah hurriedly followed her. “Thank you, Cordelia. Thank you.” 

Cordelia suddenly stopped and looked at him sideways. “Elijah, you really should thank me well. And don’t think too highly of me. I did this for the sake of investment. 

“About Miss Lewis, this is the last time. Hold on and stay. She 

wants you to sleep with her, doesn’t she?” 

“Cordelia!” Elijah held her hand. “I’ll go home with you. I just want to sleep with you.” 

“You…” Cordelia’s beautiful eyes widened. He was not ashamed to say any shy words. 

He smiled slightly and took Cordelia’s hand into the elevator. When the elevator door closed, he hugged Cordelia tightly in his 


“I didn’t let you enjoy yourself in the bathroom just now. I’ll make it up to you a few times when we get back, okay?” 

Elijah whispered in her ear. 

Cordelia immediately wanted to break free from him. Made it up for me, huh? Did he think his kidneys were strong, as if they were made of steel? 

“Hey, don’t move. I won’t tease you anymore,” Elijah chuckled. The laughter sounded very relaxed. 

“Just throw away your clothes when you go back. It smells so bad,” Cordelia said angrily. 

Elijah smiled and said, “Okay.” 


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