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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Who Is More Impatient? 

“Hahaha. Later, Elissa cried to Ben for a long time.” 

Cordelia was puzzled. She had never known she had such great charm. 

However, Elijah did always find excuses to sleep with her. It used to be more manageable, but lately, he had become increasingly insatiable, indulging in passionate moments during the broad daylight. 

“But that doesn’t necessarily mean he likes me, right? You haven’t seen how he treats Eva,” Cordelia said with a frown. 

As an outsider, Imogen was just stating facts. As for the intricacies of their relationship, she didn’t know much, so she didn’t say much more on the topic. 

Just then, there was a knock on the door. 

Imogen put on a coat and went to answer it, only to find Elijah standing outside. 

“Mr. Hansen, are you here to pick up Cordelia?” 

Cordelia snapped out of her reverie, looking towards the door, and her gaze met Elijah’s. 

“Why are you here?” 

Elijah replied calmly, “To appease you.” 

Imogen looked particularly envious and immediately pulled Cordelia up from the couch. “Hey, you should go home with Mr. Hansen. I’m going to catch up on some more sleep.” 

Cordelia was still a bit dazed after Imogen pushed her out of the door. 

But the next moment, Elijah pulled her into his arms. “Were you angry with me? How dare you hang up on me?” 

Cordelia lowered her gaze, taking in the faint tobacco scent from his body, but remained silent. 

Imogen saw this scene through the peephole and couldn’t help but cover her mouth and chuckle. 

“Cordelia, you’re much luckier than I am,” she murmured. 

Seeing Cordelia’s lack of response, Elijah continued, “I didn’t originally plan to go back to the Hansen Manor. I rushed back because I was worried my grandfather might trouble you. But when I got home, you weren’t there.” 

Cordelia looked at him and asked, “When do you plan to tell your family about our divorce?” 

Elijah paused for a moment. Then, his gaze lost some of its 


“Cordelia, I thought about it seriously last night. I want to give you freedom, but I can’t do it yet. Let me think about it some more.” 

Cordelia frowned, utterly puzzled by his words. 

She pushed past Elijah and walked towards the elevator. 

Elijah followed her with his gaze, thinking of something. 

They didn’t head to the Hansen Manor. 

“Let’s go to the Maple Villa. I’ll go pack my thing.” 


Elijah didn’t object. He instructed the driver to head to the Maple Villa. 

As the car pulled into the yard, Elijah was on the phone, so Cordelia got out of the car first. 

However, when she walked into the villa, she froze. 

Because she saw Eva there. 

“Cordelia, I heard you’re moving out. I was worried there 

wouldn’t be anyone to take care of Elijah, so I moved in to look 


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