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Wanted By The Alpha King novel Hunted

Kaylan ran as fast as she could, her heart beating heavily and her legs already feeling tired. Yes, she was tired, but wasn't ready to stop.

Tiny drops of sweats gemmed her forehead, her breath hitching and making her pant.

"Oooowwwl!!" The blood thirsty wolves howled from behind her, far away. But Kaylan knew in no time, they'd catch up with her and do as they wish.

She never knew she could run that much, not until that very day. And now she was finally being chased, she couldn't help but wish it never had to happen. A wistful wish.

The wolves - about three of them - were still very far, but considering their supernatural status, Kaylan knew it was only a matter of time before they catch up with her, since she was only but a human.

As she ran heavily, her foot rustling through the dry leaves and covering so much distance as much as they could, so did her fears keep increasing.

Shortly, she ran out of the woods and came out to the road side where she saw a loaded truck which wave about leaving.

"No!! Please, wait!? Please!!" She cried out, but the driver didn't see to hear her.

And quickly and smartly, she got hold of the edge, jumped on and hopped into the trunk where she smuggled herself in between the rest of the loads there.

And voom! The truck took off.


The three wolves came out to the deserted road and looked around, there was no trace of her. And neither of them could get her scent any longer. Where could she be?

They ran a little more distance, trying to see if they could pick a single trail of her scent, but it was negative.

"Where could she be?" One of them asked the others, communicating through their howls and grunts.

The three wolves communicated and wondered how she could've suddenly disappeared. Going home without her was going to attract a great penalty from the Alpha and they knew it.

But what could they possibly do? She was nowhere to be found!

Hunted 1

Hunted 2

Hunted 3


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