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Wanted By The Alpha King novel Chapter 2

Kaylan could feel her heart beating so heavily as the truck stopped moving.

Oh, no. What does she do? She didn't plan did this.-

Although, she'd expected the truck would definitely stop moving, she just never planned for what she would do when that really happens.

The truck driver had gotten to his location which was in front of a warehouse and stepping down to go open the truck, he was beyond shocked when he found a lady nestled right there - amongst his goods.

"The f**k is this??" The old man who should probably be in his late fourties, flinched as he wore a crumpled look on.

Kaylan's heart was beating really fast. She knew the warehouse might be filled with boys and just one call from the fat man in front of her, the boys would rush out and might end up doing nasty things to her.

"Please.... I don't mean any harm" Kaylan stated meticulously with her hands being lifted up like she was set for a race.

"Don't raise an alarm.... please".

"How the hell did you get in there? You a thief?" He snarled and Kaylan could feel her heart summersaulting in her chest. That has got to be a pretty bad label for her at that moment.

"No, I'm not. I...." She paused and stood up from the dirty floor, held onto the edges of the truck and finally jumped out.

"I'm so sorry if I inconvenienced you. I just needed a ride and didn't have money to board a cab. You can check your goods, everything's still intact. Didn't touch a pin. Thanks for your help".

And with that, she turned around and ran away, as fast as possible.

"Hey!! I didn't ask you to go!" The man yelled from behind, but Kaylan didn't even pause to spare him a glance as she continued running.



She ran for a long time, not minding where she was headed. The road was a straight one with no turns but trees and bushes by the sides. The trees were so tall with colorful leaves, but each time a heavy wind came around, they howled and imbued Kaylan with some light fears.

Finally, she found a turn and took it and that was when she stopped running, knowing the men were definitely not chasing her anymore.

She bent with her hands on her knees, panting heavily like an antelope. Damn it! She's had enough run for the day already - definitely.

Her heart was rising and falling so heavily in her chest with some sweat emitting from her poles. She was so tired... and hungry too.

She dipped her hand into her cardigan pocket to be sure the gem was there and thank goodness, it was. And just then, something crossed her mind. With the rate at which she was being chased, it wasn't safe to have the gem with her. Hell no. She needed to keep it elsewhere - somewhere safe.

She looked around and discovered the trees and bushes would be a really good place to hide something of that nature. Even if a wolf was to parade the area at any time, she was sure wolves didn't dig up "empty" grounds. And they also can't pick the scent of just an object.

So, having that conclusion in mind, she turned towards her right and proceeded to the forest - like place.

Only the sound of crickets chirping could be heard as Kaylan rustled her way through the grasses, continued walking deeper until she'd finally gotten to a perfect spot which was almost at the middle of the forest. She looked around for a stick and getting one, she started digging up - making sure she kept the circle small so it wouldn't be noticeable at all.

She digged and digged and when she'd gotten her desired depth, she stopped and placed the gem right into it. Whatever that gem was, she had a really strong feeling it was very important to the Werewolves. And since her mother had it, she was going to make sure she kept it away from them.

She covered up the spot after placing the gem in it. And for easy recognition probably in the future, she cut a colorful plant and placed on top of it.

And now, the spot didn't look like someone had dug it up in the first place. Instead, it only looked like where a beautiful flower had been planted.

Suddenly, there was a loud howl from a distance- one that startled Kaylan. She flinched and looked around, wondering where the wolf could be howling from. It sounded like a pained wolf - a wolf in trouble. And without hesitation, she stood up and ran away - out of the woods.


Mansi had a huge smile on her face as she laid on the bed and waited for Alpha Zane to come in and devour her like a hot meal.

Zane and his sex mate 1

Zane and his sex mate 2


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