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Wanted By The Alpha King novel Chapter 5

Alpha Zane stood and watched from a distance as the Hunter's daughter walled in. A creepy smile crept onto his face. At long last, he's found her.

That was the closest restaurant around and he'd been standing there for a long time, waiting for her to show up.

One unique thing about him was his ability to calculate. He was extremely calculative and tend to know how humans think and act. More reason he was more superior than the others.

The Hunter's daughter; at long last, he's found her.


Kaylan walked into the restaurant, keeping her head low as usual.

It was so full and busy, majorly filled with men. The few women around were halfly dressed and seem to be bent on pleasing the men.

Noise, smell of drinks and cigarettes was what filled the air and those were things Kaylan didn't like. But she didn't have much of a choice anymore.

Kaylan walked in with her hands in her cardigan pocket and headed straight for the counter where the bartender was attending to a man beside her.

"Hey...! Welcome, pretty. Whatcha want?" The bartender grinned widely, showing his ugly detentions.

Kaylan looked around like a thief, before turning back to face him.

"I um....need a good meal" she answered quickly, itching her nape.

"I see. Be right back" he winked at her and left, taking some empty bottles along with him.

Kaylan sighed lightly and took one of the seats around her. She just couldn't wait to eat and get out of there. She really wasn't feeling comfortable.

"Need some company?" She suddenly heard a voice and quickly turned to see a strange face, smiling at her.


It was a young boy, tall, handsome, charming....

Kaylan was able to tell all these from the few seconds she'd used in glancing at him.

"I don't" she mumbled and returned her gaze to the counter.

Her hands were tapping on it.

"You sure? Cause it looks to me like you wouldn't have a dime with you" the guy said and Kaylan turned snappily to look at him, her brows furrowed.

Hold on; his facial expression...

Why does she have a feeling this guy was a.....

She looked ahead of her and noticed the bartender already coming towards her with her meal. But something in her guts was making her feel so uncomfortable with the guy beside her.

"Here we are. Hope I didn't take long?" The bartender asked cheerfully as he placed the tray in front of her.

Kaylan noticed the guy beside her was smiling. Not just the normal genial smile, but a cranky smirk. No.

Quickly, she stood up from where she sat and started running away.

"Hey...! Where are you going..?" The bartender called, but she didn't stop to look at him as she continued running to the gate.

Suddenly, she slipped and fell, didn't know what got hold of her legs.

The entire people at the bar had gasped as they all looked at her. All attention were turned on her now.

Kaylan's heart was beating really fast as she crawled on her back and had a look at the guy coming towards her. Now, she could confirm it; he was definitely a wolf.

"Please....let me go" she breathed heavily and he smirked as dropped to a crouch in front of her.

His eyes were gleaming and his head tilted a bit.

"Maybe, I will. But definitely not now". He said and getting hold of her wrist, he dug his claws into it.

"Argh...!" Kaylan gave out a loud cry and the next moment, she passed out.

With Zane still holding her hand, his proud smiles deduced as he could feel the fast approaching footsteps behind him. He didn't make a move and waited for them to get close enough before making a swift turn and using his claws on the first flesh he could get his hands on.

"Argh...!" The people in the bar screamed as the entire place got set out in confusion. They didn't expect what was happening.

There were three men in all attacking Zane - three Werewolves.

And with his claws still stuck in the chest of one, he used his other hand to cut a slap across the cheek of the second.

The last one tried attacking him with a kick, but Zane was fast enough to miss and got hold of his head immediately, twisting it to his side.

His claws were still stuck in the chest of the other, and looking into his eyes, he gritted:

"You can go back and tell your Alpha he's, and will always be a loeer" he granted and with that, pushed him with such a hard current, he crashed on some chairs and tables.

The last wolf who was still in consciousnes had already become too scared to attack him again. So, he just retreated.

And with a huff, Zane turned back to Kaylan on the floor, he carried her up on his shoulders and walked away.


Mandie was pacing tho and fro at the balcony, her face looking displeased.

She wouldn't stop stretching her neck and looking out for Zane. It was so late already, yet he wasn't back. Where could he be? Why does he have to after the Hunter's daughter himself and alone? Why?? He knows his condition and how desperately the others wants to kill him. And she couldn't believe he'd have the guts to go out there alone. Oh, Zane. Why??

She continued pacing tho and fro, her mind traveling to so many places. Or was she to go see him? Would that be the best option?

The gem for pity 1


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