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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 Let Emma Leave With Michael

“Just friends? Do you think that I’m foolish enough to believe you, Anna?”

Not believing my explanation, Michael became more agitated. While he stammered, a sharp glint flashed across his eyes.

He was doubting my relationship with Ronan.

While I looked into his dark eyes, my gaze flitted. However, in the next second, anger surged through me.

“It’s none of my business whether you believe me or not. Neither does my relationship with Ronan have anything to do with you! What right do you have to interrogate me, Michael?”

Since he was already going to marry Emma, he had no right to ask me all these questions.

“Anna Garcia!”

I spoke coldly and clearly. However, my words only served to make Michael more enraged. He glared at me angrily, his expression becoming grim.

I met his gaze calmly, unwilling to give in. Since he was about to marry Emma, there was no reason why I should endure his domineering acts. He had no right to treat me like this.

Just when I thought that Michael would lose his temper, something unexpected happened—he leaned his head on my shoulder and fell asleep.

It was as if it was another person being enraged earlier.

A surprised look flashed across my eyes. When I returned to my senses, I realized that he had actually fallen asleep.

I stared at Michael’s handsome face, which was merely inches away from me. He looked so quiet when asleep. Perhaps, I would not have any opportunities to look at him from such a close distance in the future.

Extending my arm, I wanted to caress his face. However, just when I was about to touch him, I froze. Although I yearned to stay by his side quietly like this, I could not do that. It had been a tough struggle for me to control my emotions. I was afraid that once I touched him, my rationality would disappear.

Hence, I turned around and averted my gaze from Michael. Exerting all my force, I pushed him away from me. Although he wasn’t a huge guy, he was still exceptionally heavy to me.

I had to use a lot of force before I managed to shove him away. Standing up, I glanced down at his face. It had been ages since I had looked at him so intently.

I wished to stay by his side until he wakes up, but I knew that he should not stay at my place. After all, he was about to get married. If someone found out that he had stayed overnight at my place before his wedding day, both of us would become the gossip of the town again. Furthermore, this would impact Michael’s reputation.

I deliberated about it for a long time before whipping out my phone and giving Emma a call.

She was the one whom I was the most reluctant to contact. However, she was also the only one who could bring Michael away. After all, she was his wife-to-be.

While the call was going through, my heart pounded. Calling Emma made me feel very uneasy.

“What’s the matter?”

Emma’s voice sounded cold when she picked up. In front of Michael, she might still put up a friendlier front toward me. However, when he was absent, her true colors would shine through.


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