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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 261

Chapter 261 Emma Knows About The Pregnancy

Standing up, I was about to rebuke Emma when she interrupted me. She pointed her finger at me, her body trembling with fury.

I was just an ordinary person. Having been provoked by her over and over again, my fury surged. I stared at Emma coldly without feeling a single hint of guilt.

“This is my home and Michael is the one who came looking for me. Instead of accusing me of seducing him, isn’t it more accurate to say that you’ve failed to win him over? Emma, you know very well that Michael doesn’t love you at all!”

When I said that, Emma widened her eyes angrily. Her body trembled vigorously, but she could not find the words to rebuke me.

“Don’t cross the line, Anna! He agreed to marry me. If he doesn’t like me, would he have chosen to be with me? You should erase all those nonsensical thoughts from your mind. It’s impossible for you to be together with Michael!”

I had hit Emma at the spot where it hurt the most. However, she forced herself to calm down and retaliated coldly while glaring at me.

“I called you here to bring Michael away, not to argue with you. Since you’re here now, you can take him with you.”

As I could not be bothered to waste my time with Emma, I evicted her coldly. I did not want to meet her anyway, so I wished for nothing more than for her to disappear immediately.

“Do you think that I want to argue with you? It’s beneath my status to quarrel with a woman like you.”

Emma shot me a look of disdain before walking toward Michael. She bent down and stroked his face affectionately.

When she looked at Michael, her eyes were filled with affection—completely different from how she looked at me. I could tell that she genuinely like Michael. However, a vicious woman like her did not deserve to be with him.

“If I find out that you’re seducing Michael again, I won’t spare you! Anna, don’t be shameless enough to covet another woman’s man!” spat Emma at me after taking another look at Michael.

The contemptuous look in her eyes did not go unnoticed by me.

I clenched my fists. Having endured every humiliating remark she made toward me earlier, I could not stand it anymore. How can this woman speak so viciously?

“Anna, that’s enough. If you insult me again, I might change my mind and stop you from bringing Michael away,” I rebuked coldly as I shot a furious glare at Emma.

Actually, I was merely trying to threaten her. As I knew that she cared about Michael the most, the only way for her to shut up was to bring him up.

“How dare you? Seems the previous lesson I’ve taught you isn’t enough. Don’t force me to be even more ruthless!”

Emma became furious the moment she heard my warning. She glared at me angrily, her eyes blazing with unbridled fury.

However, I was not bothered by her gaze. What caught my attention was what she said about having taught me a lesson.

“So you’re the one who sent those people to cause trouble in my house?”

I had always suspected that Emma was behind that, but I did not have any proof. Although Michael promised to investigate this matter, he did not say anything till now. It was as if he had forgotten about it.


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