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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 4

I was extremely sleepy but sleep was nowhere to come. My eyes didn't close for a second as I saw the city vanish and night erode. The buildings were nowhere to be seen and a creepy atmosphere had emerged. There was no one to see, the road had gone bumpy and the atmosphere was becoming misty.

I had always wished to spend some time in a beautiful farm without any anxiety, work and technology, but I had always imagined beautiful green fields and crystal blue lakes, instead of this crappy road.

I looked at my surroundings to notice forest on both of my sides. And that was when the car came to a halt.

I took a huge breath and opened my eyes.

I looked at my side to see that Adonis was nowhere to be seen. I looked out of the window to see his muscled back. It looked like he was talking to two men. The muscles of his arm bulged perfectly as he shifted his weight on his left foot and it made him look ten times more attractive than he already was. I noticed how perfectly he stood with his back arched straight and perfect.

Just then he turned, facing towards me making it seem like the cliché movie scene where the hero turns to glance at the heroin.

But was he the hero? No he was more like the villain.

I averted my eyes from him, not because I was angry at him but because I was scared of him. His eyes made me weak, his huge frame like it hovered over me made me feel like I was crushed under the mud, his deep voice made shivers run down my spine and his intimidating gaze was so powerful that it held me captive.

He took long strides towards me and then opened the car door making me crush under my seat. I looked in the front, pretending that I didn't know when he came, but soon it failed as his minty breathe reached my ears and he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Look at me" he whispered.

And that was enough for me to move my gaze straight in his eyes. I instantly regretted that because my body started shaking and water welled up in my eyes.

God why do I have to be so weak?

"Now listen, pretend like you are asleep and I don't want you to move your gaze anywhere except my chest until I say so?" he commanded, with no emotion at all.

"Why ?" I asked and I was surprised at how weak my whisper voice.

His eyes turned a darker color at my sudden response and then suddenly he leaned closer to me, his beautiful face just inches away from my lips.

I noticed that how his face was perfectly sculpted, his cheek bones were just perfect and his jaw stood out perfectly. His face was hard and strict, his eyes motionless and empty and his face perfect with no freckles.

The only sound that could be heard was our heavy breathing.

I felt my hands grip the seat from underneath me. His eyes were not normal, there were golden sparkles roaming inside them and they were extremely powerful. My eyes became watery from staring into his eyes.

But I wasn't going to retreat.


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