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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 5

And then I heard a swooping voice from above me to see a helicopter landing our way.

Actually, I hadn't seen a helicopter my entire life and it was my dream to get a ride on.

The helicopter smoothly landed on the lush green grass. I noticed how perfectly designed it was. It had a grey metallic body and smooth wings which made it fly smoothly.

The glass was clear as water and the seats were made of fine black leather.

The driver seat consisted of a hot dude. He had blonde hair which were falling on his dusty brown eyes. A soft dimple played on his tan cheeks and his body lips looked perfectly kissable.

He was well built but not as well built as Adonis was.

The truth hit me hard as I realized that I had been kidnapped and I was in this magical forest from where I didn't know the way back.

I literally needed to something.

I played all the movies in my head and then finally came to a conclusion.

One thing was clear that I was not going to submit to him.

He motioned his hand towards me, ordering me to get inside the helicopter but I had decided that I was going to play this hard.

" Hello mister, who the hell do you think you are? First you stare at me like a maniac, then you punch my friend for no reason at all, then you bring me to this weird forest for God knows what reason and now you are asking me to get inside this damn helicopter so you can take me to God knows what place and rape me or sell me or do whatever with me!" I screamed.

One glance at his face and I knew I was in trouble. His fists were clenched, his eyes were fiery and his whole body was shaking in anger.

" Get in the helicopter right now!" he commanded and this time his voice was extremely authorative.

A shiver ran through my body but I had to keep myself firm. I had to stop my life from getting destroyed.

So I ran near the magistic lake.

"If you force me into stepping in the helicopter, I swear I'm going to jump in the lake!" I threatened.

He took a step closer to me and I took a step closer to the lake but suddenly my foot tripped over a pebble and I fell in the lake.

The water was icy cold. I tried to move my legs but I couldn't because of the depth of the water.

Swimming was my weak point.

I splashed arms here and there but it was no use, my face kept getting in the water.

By now I had prepared myself that I was going to drown and someone would find my body after hundreds of years, but then I felt my body getting lifted.

I clenched to his shirt as I took deep breaths to calm my breathing. He smoothly took me into the helicopter like I weighed nothing.


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