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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 34

Chapter 6

The castle was breathtaking. The walls were of white stone, contrasted with the pastel grey roof. Elegant windows are scattered here and there in a very random pattern.

Seven slim, but strong wooden pillars surround the magestic place with flags flying on top of them.

I notice that Adonis holds my hand, making tingles erupt and leads me to the huge iron gate, which has two flags flying on it.

A closer look at them, tells me that they are black with a beautiful golden crown engraved on them.

Two guards stand guarding the enormous gate and as soon as we come, they bow their heads and open the gates.

Is he like the king or something?

We soon enter the marble porch which is filled with loads of cars. I look on my left side to see a huge garden, with lush green grass and various flowers. I see some swings as well on which some kids are playing.

After climbing on some steps, we reach the wooden door on which their is the same crown engraved.

"Welcome to the nightstar castle" Adonis said in his husky voice, which made me drool.

The door opened and as we entered, I was met with a huge lounge with black and white walls and maroon sofas.

There was an elevator on the left side to which I was taken.

Adonis pressed the third button and we soon reached the third floor.

The elevator opened and I was met with a smiling man. He had tamed brown hair, jet black eyes, that fair pale skin and his body was slim but it still looked well built.

"Hi, finally!" he said smirking towards Adonis, and then motioning his hands toward me.

To be honest, this was the first person I had seen who wasn't bowing to Adonis or wasn't scared of him.

And that was why I already liked this dude.

I confidently bought my arm forward and shook his hand to which Adonis growled.

Wait, did he just growl?

"Good morning King" he said bowing to Adonis in a sarcastic manner.

"Would you please like to move from here so I could show her around the house" Adonis asked him, clearly annoyed.

"Clearly not, because I see how bored and scared she is with you, so I would like to give her the house tour myself. May I brother?" he asked.

Oh so they were brothers?

Adonis looked at me and then to his brother.

"I need her in my office in half an hour." he commanded and then walked off.


"May I?" he said, motioning his hand towards me.

"Sure" I replied, giving him my hand.

" So Luna how are you liking this place?" he asked me.

"Luna?" I asked confused.

He looked at me with a confused expression, but then smiled.


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