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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 23

The way I was feeling at the moment was indescribable. It felt different, I felt different. Maybe I was feeling angry at how Ozymandius reacted.

I know he was posessive about me, but it did hurt me when he was more worried about someone touching me than worrying if I had been hurt or not.

But why did this hurt me? It wasn't like we were dating that he would care about me. I was his mate, and he needed me because his pack needed a queen.

"Queen, the pack has gathered in the hall." The maid who was dressing me informed.

Ozymandius had informed the pack when me and Zara went missing and the whole pack was preparing for a war to save us, so now when we were back they had a right know what had happened.

? ? ?

My heart was beating fast as the doors of the hall were opened. I had never felt like this. Everyone stared at me, everyone.

But I only looked at one person. There he was, standing on the stage looking directly at me. His eyes stared directly into mine and eventhough, they held no emotion, they gave me the motivation to keep my head high up and move onto the stage.

Ozymandius put a hand on my back as I stepped on the stage.

"Good evening everyone, you were informed that Zara and Pearl had been kidnapped by Chicago and we were to wage a war against him." Ozymandius spoke, his voice reaching each and every corner of the hall.

"But as you can see Pearl and Zara are both present here. It turns out that Zara was only kidnapped, and Pearl went and saved her."

I saw everyone focused on what Ozymandius was saying.

"I have realised that the decision to rage a war against Chicago was due to my anger. He has done a hideous crime and the bastard will get what he deserves, but we will have to come up with a better plan. He has kidnapped the princess of this Palace and threatened the Queen as well, and I promise you all I will not rest till I kill him with my own hands." His voice had risened and his hands were now clenched in fists as he spoke.

"But we should all look to positive things, and here I would like to appreciate the courage of your queen, who has today proven herself the queen of the warewolf kingdom."

The whole hall started to applaud. My heart was racing, I didn't expect him to say this. But it felt good, hell I had never felt this good. I never knew it would feel so good to help others.

And the next second I knew, Ozymandius had wrapped his arms around me and crashed his lips on mine. The tingles erupted in my body as I gave into the kiss.

"I'm Proud of you tesoro." he whispered, as he broke away the kiss.

"And now I want you to address the pack." he stated, and before I had time to react he had pushed me into the spotlight.

"Hello everyone. Ever since I came here, I have become a new person. I want to help all of you and solve all your problems so if you do have any, feel free to come to me anytime." I stated.

I don't know where this had come from, but I was happy that I said it.


The sunlight streamed into my eyes as I woke up. I was so tired yesterday that I just jumped on the bed and sleep had consumed me.

The side next to me was empty, so I assumed Ozymandius was in his office.

Getting myslef out of the bed, I had a bath and dressed myself in a plain white t-shirt and some denim shorts. Tying my hair in a bun, I headed out of the room for breakfast.

"Good morning!" I chirped to Alexander as I grabbed a pancake from his plate and settled infront of him.

"Hey that was mine!" he whined.

"And now it's mine!" I said as I bit into the heavenly goodness.

"Anyway where is Zara?" I asked him.

"She has gone to get her belongings, she is gonna be moving in with me." he told me, and I noticed how his cheeks were getting red.

"Omg someone is blushing!" I teased him.

"No I'm not." he said, trying to hide his smile.

"Yes you are." I stated.

"No I'm not." he said.

"Uhh Luna a pack member is here to see you, she says she want to discuss something with you." A maid informed me.

"Oh okey, call her in." I told her as I got up from the table.

"See you later Alexander and please I don't want to be an aunt so soon." I winked at him as I headed into the living room.



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