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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 52

Chapter 24

After the heated encounter I made my way back to the living room, my cheeks red due to blushing.

"Okey so I'm back Lily! What was that you wanted to say?" I asked her as I sat on the couch opposite from her.

"Umm so these days when I come back from school, some men follow me back home. And a man in particular, whose name is Robert Geller is also making threats to me that he will kill my family if I don't sleep with him..."

I noticed how her hands started to shiver and how pale her face turned just by talking about it.

"Luna I'm very poor. I need this job. I can't stay home and do nothing. Please help me." she pleaded.

"Okey are you sure the man's name is Robert Geller?" I asked her.

"Hundered percent luna."

"Okey so don't worry. I appreciate how hard working you are and that you have bought this problem to me. These men have no right to threaten you and I promise you I will look into this and nothing will happen to you." I smiled at her.

I noticed her hands were still shaking as she stood up and hugged me.

" Thank you so much luna. You don't know how much this means to me. " she said.


Winter was approaching and the weather was getting colder.

Winter had its perks. Back home, I became extremely lazy and spent my time laying in a blanket with some hot coffee and some Nicholas sparks.

Eventhough, I was getting used to this new life I couldn't deny the fact that I missed home. I missed my family who stood with me through all the ups and downs.

Sometimes I just sat alone and recalled all the memories I had made with my parents and Adrian. Adrian, just his name bought a shiver in my body. I don't know if he was alive or dead. I didn't know if he was happy or sad.

He had stood with me on my darkest days. When no one understood me, he was the one who understood me. When I faced anxiety, he was the one who embraced me and when I felt ugly he was the one who told me I was beautiful.

I had failed as a best friend.

But I still had time. I could still ask Ozymandius if he was alive or not and if he was alive I really wanted to meet him just for once. Only one last time.

I closed my eyes as I recalled him. He was the only best friend I had had. I missed him. I really did.


My heart raced as I stood infront of Ozymandius's office door. I was really scared. I was not scared about how Ozymandius would react, but I was scared that what if he told me that they had killed Adrian and dumped his body somewhere.

Just thinking about this, bought a shiver in my body and suddenly I felt extremely angry at Ozymandius. He said we were mates and we were to be equal, then how could he do this to me? Steal the only source of happiness from me?

And suddenly all the nervousness vanished. I was furious. I barged into Ozymandius's office and slammed the door.

I didn't look at anyone except Ozymandius. My eyes stared directly into his as I clenched my fists. Today would prove that did he really care for me or not?

"Everyone out!" I commanded to the men that were having a conversation with Ozymandius.

And immediately everyone left, leaving me alone with Ozymandius.

He stood up from his chair and walked towards me as I calmed my breathing.

"What happened Amore?" he asked me as he came infront of me.

And then suddenly my hands were gripping his collar tightly, my eyes staring directly into his.

"How can you do this to me, when you knew how much he meant to me?


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