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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 53

Chapter 25

Last chapter....

"He is alive." he whispered.

I suddenly looked up at him, shocked at his words and then it was like my body moved on its own accord and I wrapped my arms around him, seeking the comfortness I so longed for.


"Can I meet him?" I asked him. We were now sitting in his office. He was still surprised at my sudden gesture, but so was I.

His eyes met mine as he looked up from his phone and I heard a low growl.

"Please?" I asked him, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"He is in my best friend's, Liam's pack in North Carolina." he replied.

"So can't you like call him?" I asked.

"Its not easy to call someone to the royal kingdom and especially since he is a human." he replied, as he focused his eyes back on his phone.

Maybe it was really difficult to bring him here or Ozymandius was making lame excuses so that I wouldn't meet him and it was so hard to tell because his face was totally void of emotions.

Now I had only one solution left, and I know there could be circumstances but it was worth a try.

"Please Ozymandius...."

No reply

"Ozymandius please..."

No reply

"Ozymandius please I miss him..."

No reply

This was a stupid idea, he would never agree and I would never ever meet my best friend again. Sorrow filled me as I stood up to leave his office.

"What will I get in return?" I turned back at his sudden question.

His eyes were getting dark in color as they raked me from head to toe.

"What do you want?" I whispered and then he was there, his arms gripping my waist tightly as he pushed me towards his chest.

His scent engulfed me as he started trailing small circles at my back.

"I want you Pearl, I want all of you."


Turns out that today was a happy day. After making some cookies with Zara, we both played some cards and didn't get to know when night arrived. The cook didn't also come tonight so dinner was on us and we had totally forgotten it.

So now Alexander, Zara and me sat on the dining table impatiently waiting for the pizzas to arrive when suddenly Ozymandius came.

I tried to avert my eyes from his muscular frame as he stood on the corner of the room, his gaze burning holes into my soul.

"Come here Pearl." he called me, his voice low.

I looked at him and as soon as our eyes met his eyes turned a darker color. I got up from the chair as I went to where he was standing. Immediately his large hand grabbed mine and he pulled me into his room.

" Wha.. " I tried to ask him, but before I could say anything, I was pinned to the wall.

"It's time to complete your promise amore." he whispered, his voice low and husky.


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