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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 56

Chapter 28


And that was when I realised it. I realised what love was. It was powerful and it was not always rainbows, but sometimes it was knife in your stomach. It hurt you and made you cry but it was an experience and in that experience, it was the small things that mattered.

"I love you too." I whispered.


1 week later

I wish I could say I woke up to a beautiful sunny morning but let's just leave it to the movies. I woke up to the noice of thunder. It had been raining since yesterday and it had made the weather dirty.

A little confused on not finding Ozymandius next to me, I got out of bed and made my way to the closet. Today was my first test at school and I hoped to create a good impression eventhough, me and maths were not really on very good terms.

I had joined school on Monday and to be honest I was enjoying it. It was better than mundane schools where people had to face bullying. Everyone over here was equal and treated everyone as family.

I picked out a white tee and some black leggings and paired it with a black leather jacket. Putting on my sneakers and grabbing my bag, I made my way to Ozymandius's office as I really didn't know how to tie my laces.

But before I could leave the room, Ozy himself entered the room.

"Can you tie my laces?" I asked him as I tied my hair in a bun.

"Happy birthday my love." He said.

"Hmm." I replied struggling to tie the freaking bun.

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked.

"Hmm." I replied.

"I am gonna jump of a cliff." He said.

"What, are you crazy?" I asked.

" I said Happy Birthday Pearl." He said as he walked to me and took out the scrunchie from my hair.

"I like it like this." He whispered as my hair fell on my shoulders.

His arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

"It's my birthday today?" I asked.

"Hmm." He replied kissing his mark.

So it was my birthday today and like the last year I had totally forgotten. To be honest, birthdays didn't mean a lot to me since I had practically came an year closer to my death.

But the point here was that it had been an year since I had come here and since then my life had changed in so many ways.

"Come on I have planned a surprise for you." Ozymandius said as he led me out of the room.

"But I need to go to school, I have a test!" I whined.

"Its a holiday today on the occasion of the queens birthday."

"What, are you kidding me?" I asked.

Like a holiday on my birthday? That was freaking cool and so weird at the same time!

"I don't do jokes libiyama." He replied.

"Okey so where are we going?" I asked him as we made our way to the car.

"Its a secret." He replied.


Some time later we had arrived at the school.

"Alexander told me you liked it in here and the kids wanted to celebrate with you." He told me.

"I loved it." I replied as I got out of the car.

Hand in hand we walked in and I was immediately engulfed into thousands of tiny hugs with a lot of kisses on my cheeks.

The kids, with the help of their teachers had made beautiful cards for me. We spent some time at the school cutting the cake and reading the cards.

And by the time we left, it was already evening.

"You are gonna be an awesome mom one day." said Ozymandius as we made our way back to the castle.

"Nahh I dont think so. I'm not good at taking care of babies, I only like to play with them." I replied.

"Don't worry I'll take care of them and you can play." He replied as he grabbed my hand.

"Why would you take care of them?" I asked trying to hide my smile.

"Who said Daddy's can't take care of babies?" He asked.

"And who said you are gonna be my babies daddy?" I asked.

And with that a loud growl emitted from his chest and the car came to an abrupt halt.

And that was when I burst into laughter.

"This was not a joke." He growled.

"So what should I do if you don't do jokes huh?" I asked.

"I am gonna be your babies daddy okey?" He told me as he parked outside the castle.

"Nah." I replied enjoying the game.

"I plan on staying a virgin my whole life." I said as I grabbed my jacket from the back seat.

"I'm very soon gonna change your ideology on that one tesoro." He growled as he opened my door and grabbed me in his arms, carrying me in bridal style.

By now my cheeks were as red as a tomato.


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