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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 57

Chapter 29

In the last chapter:

I imagined waking up peacefully in the morning but life had other plans.

I woke up to the growl of Ozymandius.

"What happened?" I asked as heard shouting from below.

"We have been attacked."


Ozymandius POV

Never had I imagined that I would wake up to a war after the most magical night I had spent with my mate.

I knew this was caused by none other than Chicago himself. We were rivals from as long as I can remember.

He was the king of vampires and dragons and wanted to rule the kingdom. He wanted to erase the sign of werewolves from earth.

A thousand years back my grandfather had fought with his grandfather, Timothy Black and after a bloody war he had lost the war.

As a result an agreement was signed that werewolves would get half of the surplus of their lands each year and the treaty was followed until Chicago Black came and refused to pay the surplus.

I hadn't taken an action then, giving him a warning to pay the surplus but then he got to know that I had found my mate.

And he in all his stupidity thought that she was my weakness, if he could kill her then I would become weak and surrender to him.

But little did he know, that Pearl was my strength.


So as soon as I got to know that we had been attacked, I contacted my beta to get all the warriors from the other packs as all were my rivals because I was the king.

History was repeating itself and I was going to win this war just like my grandfather did.

My first instinct was to order all the children and women to go into the safe room that we had arranged for emergencies like this.

I kissed Pearl and ushered her into the safe room with some guards. Her safety was my first priority.

As I walked towards the battle, all I could remember was the panicked state of my mate as she was taken to the safe room.

And at that moment I knew I had to win this war for her.

Tearing my clothes and revealing my beast, I strode towards the war.

I let out a loud growl and immediately all the wolves present opened their mind links to me.

I told half of them to hide themselves and half of them to fight.

This was my trick. I had to show Chicago's army that this was my werewolf strength and just when they would have no idea, I would command rest of my army to attack.

Giving my wolves the strict command that I was to be the one who would kill Chicago, I rushed towards the war and started killing them beasts.

For some of them, just my paw on their chest was enough for them to die of fear and for the flying monsters, I had to jump and bite down their wings.


I now stood at the top of my palace as I watched the battle unfold. My wolves had been trained for wars like this, so I watched as they efficiently killed Chicagos army.

I could feel the fear of each wolf in my mind and it raged me to see even a scar on any of my wolf.

I was going to make Chicago pay for each droplet of blood that came out of my wolves.

Just when I was sure that the enemy was too engrossed in the war, I ordered the other batch of my wolves too attack and it was then that there was chaos.

The enemy began to retreat in disorder as panic began flushing through them. I watched calmly as I saw my wolves killing his army.

I had already commanded my beta to bring Chicago to me.


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